1.Virus menular dengan cara menulis file “autorun.inf” di root directory dari Flash Disk. Hal ini berakibat saat Flash Disk dicolokkan ke rongga USB, Windows akan langsung meng-eksekusi program yang dirujuk oleh file “autorun.inf” ini. Akibatnya, virus berjalan, dan komputer Anda pun tertular.
2.Virus menular dengan cara menyembunyikan folder-folder di Flash Disk, lalu menggandakan dirinya dengan nama yang sama dan icon yang sama dengan icon folder. Akibatnya, pengguna yang kurang awas bukannya men-double-click folder yang ingin dibuka, malah men-double-click program virus tersebut.
Menurut saya, cara penularan pertama lebih serius dari cara penularan kedua. Cara penularan kedua membutuhkan interaksi aktif dari pengguna (yaitu double-click), dan jika penggunanya cukup awas (misalnya, selalu menggunakan “Details” mode), maka kecil kemungkinan virus akan di-eksekusi.
1.Virus transmitted by way of writing the file "autorun.inf" in the root directory of the Flash Disk. This resulted when the Flash Disk is plugged into a USB port, Windows will directly to the execution of the program referred to by the file "autorun.inf" is. As a result, the virus runs, and your computer was infected .
2.Virus transmitted in a way to hide the folders in the Flash Disk, and then multiplies by the same name and icon are the same as the folder icon.
As a result, users are less careful not to double-click the folder you want to open, even to double-click the virus program.In my opinion, the first transmission mode of transmission is more serious than the second. Mode of transmission both require active interaction from the user (ie double-click), and if the user simply alert (for example, always use the "Details" mode), the less likely the virus will be executed.
1.Virus transmitted by way of writing the file "autorun.inf" in the root directory of the Flash Disk. This resulted when the Flash Disk is plugged into a USB port, Windows will directly to the execution of the program referred to by the file "autorun.inf" is. As a result, the virus runs, and your computer was infected .
2.Virus transmitted in a way to hide the folders in the Flash Disk, and then multiplies by the same name and icon are the same as the folder icon.
As a result, users are less careful not to double-click the folder you want to open, even to double-click the virus program.In my opinion, the first transmission mode of transmission is more serious than the second. Mode of transmission both require active interaction from the user (ie double-click), and if the user simply alert (for example, always use the "Details" mode), the less likely the virus will be executed.
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